Nitya Narasimhan


About the Artist

Nitya Narasimhan is a skilled dancer whose passion for bharatanatyam began at the young age of 4.
Currently based in California, USA, Nitya regularly travels to India to hone her craft and showcase her
talents through performances. As the Founder and Artistic Director of “Prayukti Arts,” Nitya has
established a platform dedicated to fostering South Asian Art education and appreciation in the Bay Area.
Through community programs tailored for artists and enthusiasts alike, Prayukti aims to create a diverse
community that celebrates and revels in the beauty of art.

Nitya received the Dancers Group CA$H Grant in 2020. She recently won the “Lasya Vrindarani”
award as a people’s choice for beloved classical dancer. She was also awarded the “Natya Ratna” award
by the Trinity Fine Arts Festival in 2022.

Nitya Narasimhan’s performances are a captivating display of grace, agility, and expressiveness. Her solo
acts have graced the stages of numerous podiums and festivals across the United States and India, leaving
audiences mesmerized by her talent and artistry. She firmly believes in upholding the traditional values of Bharatanatyam, while also acknowledging its problematic past, working with its rich present, and being open to its evolving future. Her commitment to the art form extends beyond its technical aspects, encompassing its cultural and historical significance as well.

With a deep understanding of the complex dynamics at play, she strives to honor the tradition while
also pushing boundaries and exploring new possibilities for its expression. Through her approach, she
embodies the spirit of innovation and evolution that is essential for any art form to thrive and remain






Classes, Group instruction, Lectures / Lecture-demonstrations, Performances, Private instruction, Production, Workshops

Program Participant

Apprenticeship Recipient

Offerings Location

In-person services, Online/remote services





Artist Social Links
